Koi vat rental/Holding tank rental
***Please call to check availability before purchase – Purchases though the website DO NOT include delivery charges – Call for further information***
Why spend £100’s buying a holding vat if you are making alterations to your pond? Hire one from us on a daily, weekly or monthly basis.
Had an emergency and need a temporary housing for your fish?
Need to isolate those pesky Sturgeons from Formalin?
Day rates from £9
Weekly rates from £56
Monthly from £216
2 sizes available:
1000 litre (220 gallon) – 1.5m x 0.6m with net
1800litre (400 Gallon) – 2m x 0.6m with net
We would advice you use your existing filters to enable the nitrifying bacteria to survive. If you require waterpumps/airpumps please contact us.
All vats once returned to us are thoroughly disinfected.
Contact us for more info and availability. £50 security deposit is also required in addition to delivery charges and rental costs payable before delivery. The security deposit is refunded when the vat is returned CLEAN AND DRY to us.
We can offer a collect and return via courier on this item. Contact us before buying but cost is approximately £50 collect and return.